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Thursday, June 6, 2013


     Hey everybody! It's been a fairly productive week so far and I'm looking forward to a fantastic weekend. 

     I started a vlog series on body types and how to dress for them. For the next 4 weeks I will go over two body types a week and then finally physically show you in the last video how best to dress and accessorize for each one. I hope it helps!

     I want to stop and thank you all for continuing to read and support me. I've been getting sessions and hope that they continue. 

     I've been getting vacation brain lately and things keep slipping through the cracks. Please continue to send me questions/suggestions through email, twitter and Facebook. 

     I'm going to Alaska this August to celebrate my 5th wedding anniversary. I'm really excited to see some family and friends while having a romantic time as well. I'll keep my blog schedule and maybe even post more often while I'm there, so you can see pictures. 

     I recently put together a list of things I want to do/accomplish before I'm 30 (I'm 27), and I thought it would be fun to challenge all of you to make lists too. If there is an upcoming milestone, or even if there's something you would like to accomplish in the next year, write it down. 

     80% of goals reached are the ones that were written down. I re-adjust my list every year. I'll give you a few examples:
1. Go on a mission trip to a third world country.
2. Go bungee jumping
3. Travel to Scotland and Ireland
Be as specific as you can with your goals, so it can be crystal clear how and when you can achieve those things.

     I'll even keep you posted as to when I can check some off of my list. Share your list! Don't be afraid to tell people about it. Saying it out loud puts a slight amount of pressure, because now it's real. Now you have to get it done! It can be nerve wracking as well as exciting. 

     I know this was short, but I really wasn't sure of what I was going to write about today. That's also why it's so late! Hope to hear from you all soon.

Here's a picture of me with my husband Paul the last time we were in Alaska.

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